I normally don't write reviews for H-games, unless I find them to be a bit of an exception other then just the usual 'to get your rock off' deal. So that speaks quite a bit... I hope.
First let's get to the meat of things. The controls feel quite solid and platforming is very well done. Some of the jumping puzzles are difficult yet fair and the shooting mechanics feel just like megaman, which is cool. Normal shots do feel a little underwhelming, especially since they cannot be fired as fast as you can mash the button. However the charge shot makes up for it and the 'health' of enemies is easy enough to read. I did find one relic, wish I knew what it could have done for me, the abilities you start with are survivable (which is kind of how you want start off, not exceptional strong, but still able to hold your own.)
I did read a bit into the lore and ill say this: I would fight WORM tooth and nail because damn they sound like a bunch of jack asses. I don't mean for the obviouse big one (this being a hentai game) I just mean in general. That sound however some of the lore does feel a bit long winded. It is possible to say a whole lot with very little. I like that the lore is optional but can help in getting better endings, but it might not be a bad idea to cut a bit of the fat out because I started to just skim through after awhile when ever lore bit was 2 pages minimum.
The art style is pretty good, I like the character designs and models, a few more sound effects wouldn't hurt (assuming I didn't miss any, such as the flame thrower.) The music is also pretty okay, it's serviceable, but it might be a bit... too mellow? Maybe it's just my taste I do prefer my music tobe a bit more foreground in these kinds of games. In save stations or big open 'scripted locations' a bit more of a mellow tone is better, but this is just my own oppinion. Also the music for the boss is a bit too back round and not quite... ill say adrenaline pumping. The scenario for the fight does make you panic a little yes, but it doesn't compliment it, altho it definitely has a good feeling of 'wtf is this!?'
As for the scenes themselves... well, I didn't focus on them really, I played this game as I would play any game. I did seek out a few after beating it once and they arn't bad. This also makes me bring up an idea. I started to just avoid fighting since there is absolutely no reward for it. Perhaps if there was, for example, unlocking H-galleries after defeating X-amount of enemies. Or maybe enemies could drop power ups such as a temp-spell weapon (pierce, multi shot, etc.) Unless you get dif weaps in the full version, which case it would be ammo drops. Maybe something like a free charm ability where you can get a H-scene you normally get in a game over without dying but that be like a one in a hundred drop kind of deal. These are just suggestions. Cudos to the voice actors, they do a pretty good job both normal conversations and H-scenes.
If I could I would gladly put up a patreon for you as this game promises to be very enjoyable, both for it's straight game play value, as well as the adult entertainment which is fairly optional, and I like that. It doesn't feel forced, altho I did chuckle at a few instances because it's hard to make the game not cheesy when Hentai is involved, it's just difficult. Eager to see the finished product and see what comes of it. Good luck!