hey people, this is corey, for those who know about 'thunder-assassin' that was me, quote, 'was' i decided to make this account for me and a friend to work as a team (because i cant animate worth sh*t, and she isnt very good at stories... or so she says) so please, the only thing i ask, is that you count us as two people, she will make responses to certain flashes, while i do diffrent ones... or we might like the same one, example, sprite TV series (godly! this place needs more sprite movies!) anyway as i was saying, please try your best to direct coments to either me, corey, or her, chey, and if your unsure well... say the both of us (no offense to the creator, but i wouldnt watch charlie the unicorn... not up my ally) so, if we manage to make our first flash, yay! remember that it is a two person piece of work on one account!